วันจันทร์ที่ 19 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Tenderness of meat: effect of growth rate

Effect of pig growth rate and health status on meat eating quality D Zammerini et al. University of Bristol & university of Leeds, United Kingdom

Factors were 3 growth categories (Fast, Slow and Interrupted).
Growth rate was measured between weaning and slaughter.
  • Guidelines for fast growth were >600 g/d to 90kg and >700 g/d to 110kg. 
  • Guidelines for slow growth were around 500 g/d to 90kg and 590 g/d to 110kg. 
  • Interrupted growth pigs were those that had suffered a period of weight loss presumed to be due to infection.

There was a strong tendency for toughness to be lower in the Fast group but a significant growth category x carcass weight interaction prevented this being a statistically significant effect. Results in Table 2 show that toughness was significantly lower in the Fast groups at both 90 and 110 kg carcass weight. More details

